There is still a part of me lingering from before Stephanie, a part of me that lives in the world of Boltzmann. Everyday, afterschool, after the boards had been cleaned and the room had been swept of any teacher spectators, I would scribble out essays about Boltzmann's Law of Disorder. I animated the law just by the simple act of writing all over the clean boards. The law says that everything that was once called perfect is hurdling to a point of disorder. To an angsty teenager, this can be quite resonating.  "We clean only to get dirty, we work only to work again, we live only to die, we eat only to exert energy, we buy fridges only for them to die and be replaced with new fridges with new capabilities" I screamed things such as these so passionately! 

Now I am trying to believe in the moderate: a world in between Chaos and an unknown order. 

Believe it or not, I was once (and most would say still am) a confused, gumbled up individual. I was incredibly good at one thing though, model united nation. The previous year I had drafted and passed 3 RESOLUTIONS, which is a big flipping deal. Any they asked me to return a second year as a repertoire, was the guy or gal that was lucky enough to run around and do what ever was needed to be done.  I was horrible at the job but fortunitly a great thing happened. When I juggling around water vases I met this girl named Stephanie. She was a beautiful, big eyed blonde that was fond of foreign films and renaissance fairs (she told me I belonged in one). Instead of focusing on my job as much as I was expected to I explained to her my ideas of how the world worked and she always had a way to critic them, I loved it. When I told her I was a firm believer, she countered it with the Chaos Theory and it revolutionized my way of thinking for a while.

Chaos Theory- she animated the theory like this: she drew a triangle with 2 inch sides and then another about 5 inches away with the same dimensions. She then drew 3 smaller triangles in the center of each side and she did this for a while. Eventually there was a fortress of triangles in the middle of the paper. Her big blue eyes turned to me and said "if you did this an infinite amount of times, the messy blob would eventually form a perfect line". And I was like "BS!" and she was like "forreal". She said that everything that appears to be without order or falling part is actually apart of an order we are unable to understand. An example of this is the big bang. Stephan Hawking once pointed out that the configeration of atoms present in the big bang explosion were incredibly unbalanced but without that unbalance the universe would not exist.
Groupthink is a term to describe how people make group decisions without objective thought.

Conditions for Groupthink:
1.Cohesiveness: Group is highly connected
2. Threats: If groups encounter an external threat, unification occurs.
3. Leadership: If a strong, charismatic leader is present, so is groupthink.

Groupthink Creates:

-An illusion of invulnerability: excessive optimism
- Collective Rationalization
- Belief in inherent morality- saviors, just and right cause.
- Stereotyped views of out-groups/enemies/targets.
- Direct pressure on dissenters- putting pressure on those in the group who disagree with the group in order to achieve consent from those peoples.
- Self Censorship of group members
- Illusion of unanimity
"We know not what God is, God himself doesn't know what He is because He is not anything. God is not anything. God is not, because He transcends being."   -John Scotus Erigena 
Transcendentalism is the belief that religion, society, political parties, companions (dogs,cats,rats,romanemporers,wives,hedgehogs,the whole dang shabam!), institutions all corrupt the individual. Enlightenment is found outside society and all of its mechanics. They believe that nature and humans all have the tendency to be naturally good and that humans should thrive to be independent and self reliant. Transcendentalism as a philosophical movement became prevalent in the 1840s in the United States.
                                Transcendentalists (according to WIKIPEDIA:

Transcendentalism Theology, when relating to God, is the belief that God transcends the manifest world. Hense the quote at the beginning. I think this is a cute way of approaching G  
In the hospital mess hall, often played off as a hang out space in the intervals between meals, everything was either white or baish and a small congregation of inmates were forming around a small, square table next to a 73'' plasma TV playing Judge Judy reruns. Jesse, a thirty-one year old skinny man with a curvy red mustache and a bustling laugh, pulls out the scrabble board from the shelf below the TV. Upon removing the box top, Corrine, clad lazily in hospital garb, points out a small scribble in the bottom-right corner of the cardboard lid. It said this: PROVERBS:10:15:50. We stalled our scrabble game, that upon reflection had not even started yet, to storm the computers and figure out what text the scribble was alluding to. Corrine found that it could mean either 2 things, depending on what Proverbs you were reading:
"The rich man's wealth is his strong city; the destruction of the poor is their poverty"
"Hell and Destruction are before the Lord; so how much more the hearts of the sons of men"
I found that beautiful and mysterious; or maybe just beautiful because it was mysterious. This allusion cannot be explained but over the last month I have been ambushed with a coffin full of allusions in which i wish to dive into as a part of Learning blogs. They are all in the same vain as the Chaos Theory so I assume this is okay. This is what I have been learning.
I have always been drawn to books, movies, and even real life odd romances. I feel like the odd bond is based on some emotion that is stronger than the love that 'normal' people experience because it involves overlook physical, mental, and sexual deformities or limitations. Now that I am thinking about it, it probably has nothing to do with anything like that. The odd bond is based on the same principles that are outlined in all sexual, love-like relationships-lust, emotional connection, and obligation. 
I act as though i know anything about love. I do not.
Anyway. The Oedipal Complex is romantic pattern portrayed in Oedipus Rex where a child loves his mother (in this case sexually) and brutally hates his father.  
Little shards of Greek culture can still be found in our everyday lives. In my opinion, I am unsure how humble it may be, I could live a perfectly unchanged life if those relics of their society hadn't met ours. Greek Yogurt is probably the worse kind of yogurt that we have. The Marathon is within a few decades will be replaced with Virtual Reality Games and StepStep exercise machines. Democracy was probably implemented by dinosaurs because there is nothing new under the sun, not even in Greek days. Plus Greek Democracy is not the same kind of democracy that exists in America today. We have a representative democracy while they had a direct democracy. 

I am feeling very argumentative right now. As you can see.  

Delos- An island in the Aegean Sea and the birthplace of Artimus and Apollo, therefore one of           Zues's favorite sex getaways. Home of Delian healer. 
Cythaeron- Mountain near Thebes where Oedipus was left to die as a infant. 
Thebes- A city in central Greece. It was actually famous for its silks...which means it was also famous for its worms. Gross. This was where Oedipus ruled as king.
Helicon-Sacred Mountain in central Greece.
Delphi- Shine to Appolo, Location of Oedipus's oracle.
Appollo is the God of the Sun, Poetry Arts, and much much more. He is the sun of Zues.
Sibil- An oracle. they were produced in bulk during this time in history. Unlike the modern prophets we have today, the oracles in Greek Mythology did not speak in general terms and managed to make accurate predictions.
Sphinx- Egyptian Sphinx- Male and benevolent guardian of tombs. Not much substance there.
         Greek Sphinx- Female creature. Lion body with eagle-like wings. These creatures enjoy delimbing human victims who are not good at riddles. Not as friendly as its Egyptian relatives. 

"What is the creature that walks on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon, and three legs in the evening?"

Oedipus answers this question in order to kill the Spinx and become king. The answer is a human. The times of the day symbolize the stages in a human life. In the morning, which symbolizes infancy, kids crawl to get around. At noon, between ages 3 to around 50, people are bipedal. Then the evening comes and you begin to us a cane which equals 3 legs.

Citizen Kane should have 3 legs but he only has 2.