There is still a part of me lingering from before Stephanie, a part of me that lives in the world of Boltzmann. Everyday, afterschool, after the boards had been cleaned and the room had been swept of any teacher spectators, I would scribble out essays about Boltzmann's Law of Disorder. I animated the law just by the simple act of writing all over the clean boards. The law says that everything that was once called perfect is hurdling to a point of disorder. To an angsty teenager, this can be quite resonating.  "We clean only to get dirty, we work only to work again, we live only to die, we eat only to exert energy, we buy fridges only for them to die and be replaced with new fridges with new capabilities" I screamed things such as these so passionately! 

Now I am trying to believe in the moderate: a world in between Chaos and an unknown order. 

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