What does Intuition mean?
1. Psychology- the ability to acquire knowledge without reason
2. Philosophy- the next step of belief, undisputable knowledge

Were Stephanie's events with the Grocery Store really Intuition?
It is my belief that Stephanie's brain lead her to believe that she could forsee the future by using braid words, normal names, and populated places. If she had gone to the store and was told to look for a woman named Jesus hanging from the ceiling, her 'intuition' would have been unsuccessful and she would realize that she can't see the future. It is Stephanie's amazing skill to draw and recognize coincidences that pigion-holed her into the ward and made her feel so insane. That could and probably is
In the hospital, I met a women named Stephanie who had a face that reminded me of a horse and a skinny alien-like body. She always slumped around the ward in a light blue polo and had a father that came every night and argued with her. When I asked her why she was there she looked up at me and said, "I have a powerful intuition, I am a phychic." I asked her what she ment and she again looked up at me with her blue eyes glazed over and said, "It is quite crazy actually." This had already crossed my mind. "I have an odd power. See, like, this voice in my head, which I can identify as part of me, tells me things and they come true. For example, I told myself there was a man named Ryan behind the counter at Whole Foods and that I need to go to see him and ask him about his kids. And I went there and there was a man named ryan and I DID ask him about his kids and my intuition was right. The future I predicted provailed." My eyes got lost in the carpet pattern as it often did. It had a meditating effect on me and I quessed that that was perhaps why it was there. 
       2 minutes later a nurse came in and introduced herself, "hi, im pam" she smiled and she looked like a less attractive Cameron Diaz with black hair. Stephanie flies back into her chair as if she were introduced to a devil, or an angle. A tear roles down her cheeks' "my moms name was Pam." she muttered, "thats TOO weird. I told you Klay, i got a big, goddamn intuition."

Caesura a pause mid-verse. It is used thoughout poetry to emphasize different words or phrases, or to take a brake in a run-on sentence and perserve a specific sylable count.
There are 2 kinds of Caesuras that describe where the pause is in the verse in terms of syllable.
        1. Masculine- if the pause comes after a stressed syllable 
        2. Feminine- if pause comes after an unstressed syllable
It can also be classified by where it stands in the verse according to its placement.
        1. Initial- beginning of verse
        2. Medial- Middle
        3. Terminal- End.
An important aspect of the Greek Tragity is the chorus. The Greek Chorus is comprised of 3 parts: the ode, the strophe, and the anti-strophe.

The Ode
or the chorus is when two or more characters sing unanimously.

The Strophe and Antistrophe
is used when conflict is amuck and there are two characters with opposing viewpoints. The Strophe and Antistrophe are generally sang from the two ends of the stage and they argue back and forth.

An Example of Strophe and Antistrophe (sorta)

Conflict Theorist believes that the world is constantly fighting and exploiting one another for the world's scarce resources. Conflict Theorists focus primarily on social, economic, political class and how the powerful work off the not powerful. Conflict theory can also be applied when looking at gender roles. Femenists believe that males maintain more power and tend to exploit the female by controling society. 
An example of a Conflict Theorist is Karl Marx, the German economist and philosopher who drew up the Communist Manifesto to combat the Capitalist economic system which left great room for inequality between classes and exploitation.
Gilligan's Moral Theory is a critique on Kohlberg's Moral Theory.
Giiligan's Moral Theory believes that the way in which people choose and develop morals is influenced by gender. I think this lady, Gilligan, is correct if you believe in Nature provailing over nurture.

MALES- Operate under the "morality of Justice". Gilligan tells us that men center their moral beliefs around fairness and rule of law.

FEMALES- Operate under the "morality of Care". Moral decisions are determined on how a female believes she can best care for an individual.

This Theory makes men sound like heartless self centered individualists. I think that there is a large margin of society that operates under both moralities. I also think that the way that a child is nurtured can determine which of the two moralities the child will end up abiding. We condition our children by giving them playstuffs that we believe compliments the gender and we implant ideas as to how a person of a specific gender should act and think.
I have just come to the relization that Carnivalesque Literary Theory is incredibly interesting but also incredibly hard to explain. The literary theory was developed by an arrogant Russian Critic named Mikhail Bakhtin. To paraphrase, Carvivalesque refers to the carnival atmosphere; an atmosphere of Chaos and distortion. In a carnival, all is masked; the social hierachy that had existed before becomes overturned and social roles loose their importance. Carnivalesque literature questions the identities of people in curtain roles and is used as a weapon to mock and expose unfortuniate truths of people's identities.

Dualistic Cosmology is found in many ancient myths and creation stories.  Dualistic Cosmology is a literary technique where two characters craft the universe, world, or a curtain aspect of society either in compition or collaboration. The two figures generally have aspects that are clashing or complementary. The figures that contribute to the creation of the universe are undoubtably important; either cultural figureheads, Gods and Godesses, or other important mythological characters. EXAMPLE: Two of American's most important Cultural Figureheads, Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel, worked together to craft numerous Simon and Garfunkel records and I believ
Simon and Garfunkel
In the romance of my younger years, Gnosicism was an unnamed longing for me. I had spent numerous hours talking and thinking about how much I wished to expel myself into poverty inorder to find enlightenment. Gnosticism is where you free yourself of material things, practice sexual abstinance, and stray away from hedenistic pleasurs. I had heard though the grapevine that it had been done before. Buddhists, for one month of their teenage years, were rumored (in some country or another) to purposeful become homeless and would spend everyday of that month praying and accepting donations from the passerbyers. When I heard of such things my eyes glazed over with inspiration.

Gnosicism has been apart of religious for about as long as religion has been around. Some aspects of Ancient Egyptian Religion could be considered Gnosicist and it is littered in Zoroaustrian religions, Jud-Christian religions, and Ancient Greek philosophy. Gnosicism survived to the modern ages in some secs of Christianity and in Romantic literature in the 19th century and even some philosophers of the 20th century wrote on the subject.  
Kohlberg's Moral Theory analyzes the reasons we make moral desisions and how me shape our morality. He believes that there are three stages of moral desisions: Preconventional, Conventional, and Post Conventional.

Preconventional- Based in what feels right, pleasure over pain. As a baby you watch the reactions of those around you to determine if what you are doing is right. If a baby encounters pain when making a decision it will no longer make that desision. EXAMPLE: Galum from Lord of the Rings. Galum constantly gives into the pleasure he gets when he is united with the Ring. He makes most of his desisions based on his yerning to feel that pleasure again. When Frodo treats Galum nicely, Galum makes desisions to satisfy 'Master' but the second he inflicts pain upon Galum he immediately feels the urge to rebel against 'master's' will.
Conventional- Rules and Normalities determine morality. This is more of the monkey see-monkey do morality. People acting under this kind of morality most often forsee a benefit of behaving in this manner. This morality is generally affiliated with any age after 6 years of age. EXAMPLE: Frodo takes the Ring across middle earth because that is the expectation. Middle Earth celebrates bravery and harmony. Frodo, by taking the Ring to Mount Doom, is acting Conventionally because he is working under foreign expection and the drive of self inportance.
Postconventional- Morality is based on abstract principles. Kohlberg leaves this catagory merely to people who inflict unmountable pain on themselves or martyrs. People in this category are willing to put themselves in the worst danger to make a statement or serve something that they believe is above them. EXAMPLE: Tibetian Buddhist Munk throwing himself into fire to protest Chinese opression. Most people cannot understand why he would do such a thing even though he explained before hand. His suicide is not understood by those living conventionally.