Believe it or not, I was once (and most would say still am) a confused, gumbled up individual. I was incredibly good at one thing though, model united nation. The previous year I had drafted and passed 3 RESOLUTIONS, which is a big flipping deal. Any they asked me to return a second year as a repertoire, was the guy or gal that was lucky enough to run around and do what ever was needed to be done.  I was horrible at the job but fortunitly a great thing happened. When I juggling around water vases I met this girl named Stephanie. She was a beautiful, big eyed blonde that was fond of foreign films and renaissance fairs (she told me I belonged in one). Instead of focusing on my job as much as I was expected to I explained to her my ideas of how the world worked and she always had a way to critic them, I loved it. When I told her I was a firm believer, she countered it with the Chaos Theory and it revolutionized my way of thinking for a while.

Chaos Theory- she animated the theory like this: she drew a triangle with 2 inch sides and then another about 5 inches away with the same dimensions. She then drew 3 smaller triangles in the center of each side and she did this for a while. Eventually there was a fortress of triangles in the middle of the paper. Her big blue eyes turned to me and said "if you did this an infinite amount of times, the messy blob would eventually form a perfect line". And I was like "BS!" and she was like "forreal". She said that everything that appears to be without order or falling part is actually apart of an order we are unable to understand. An example of this is the big bang. Stephan Hawking once pointed out that the configeration of atoms present in the big bang explosion were incredibly unbalanced but without that unbalance the universe would not exist.

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