"We know not what God is, God himself doesn't know what He is because He is not anything. God is not anything. God is not, because He transcends being."   -John Scotus Erigena 
Transcendentalism is the belief that religion, society, political parties, companions (dogs,cats,rats,romanemporers,wives,hedgehogs,the whole dang shabam!), institutions all corrupt the individual. Enlightenment is found outside society and all of its mechanics. They believe that nature and humans all have the tendency to be naturally good and that humans should thrive to be independent and self reliant. Transcendentalism as a philosophical movement became prevalent in the 1840s in the United States.
                                Transcendentalists (according to WIKIPEDIA:

Transcendentalism Theology, when relating to God, is the belief that God transcends the manifest world. Hense the quote at the beginning. I think this is a cute way of approaching G  

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