Modernism is what happens when you scar the whole world. This movement in the arts and philosophy was kick started in the wake of WWI after millions of people had been mercilessly slain for dumb reasons. The world was cornered into a period of depression and shock. People started questioning life because it no longer made sense (they in turn made it more confusing) and the outcome was the Modernist movement. Out of the Modernist movement came Charlie Chaplin, Virginia Wolfe, Kathrine Mansfield, Otto Van Vishmark, Camus, and E. E. Cummings, wielding new ideas, perhaps skewed ideas that put to death pre-modern thought. Abstract thinking had its grip on the world from here forward.

Stream of Consciousness- A literary technique developed by modernist authors such as Virginia Wolfe, E.E. Cummings, Katherine Mansfield and many others. This kind of technique is supposed to put the reader inside the character's head to show how he or she thinks. To make realistic, sketchy thought patterns are used to the point were you are lost and you don't know what is going on. This is my favorite kind of literature.

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