The new Euphemism for Poop: A Waste Sausage, Fly Bait, the Choco-Cheeto, and small brown spawn. 

“We have to help people by scolding people to help themselves.” – Ted Nugent

          Klayton says ‘boo’ about this quote. This quote is sited from the show Andy Cooper 360 Degrees in an argument between Ted Nugent and Roseanne Barr, Presidential Candidate for the Party for Liberation and Socialism, on government tax policies. Ted Nugent’s whole point in the argument is that those on welfare and those receiving government financial assistance are lazy and taking advantage of the system and those who are a part of the labor force. Though this may be true in some cases, there are those who have disabilities (physical and mental), who work but cannot make enough to sustain their selves and their families, and those that are unable to compete for employment in this economy because of incrimination and other factors. The slant in Ted Nugent’s point is that he is not looking at the big picture and only focusing on the case of one group of people. Likewise, Roseanne Barr, also in arguing with Ted, has a slant because she is not looking at the people taking advantage of the system.    

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