Literature Log- Literary Analysis When writing Literary Analysis papers there are a few things that you need to keep in mind:

1) Who is your audience? Has your audience read the book you are referring to? (Generally answered yes)

2) Have knowledge of previous interpretations of the piece.

3) You should reference the text in your argument and your justification.

4) Quotations should be properly cited.

5) Your paper should be structured either as an Explication or an Analysis.

A.     Explication is a detailed line-for-line or word-for-word interpretation of a                         work. Generally used for analyzing poetry.

B.     Analysis examines the piece as a whole and thoroughly discusses a particular element that relates to the whole.

6) The Four Different Types of Papers you can write.

A.     Papers that focus on a single literary work

I.                    Clear-cut task

II.                 Prove an argument and convince your readers

B.     Papers of compare and contrast

I.                    Must have one or more things in common, “ different.

II.                 Better understanding of piece and of literary processes in general

C.     Papers on a Number of Works by a Single Author

I.                    Identify the characteristics that make the author different from other authors

II.                 Looking for Signs for Development in author’s character as a person, and the change of thought during aging

III.               Could be biographical

D.    Papers on a Number of Works with Some Feature Other Than Authorship in Common

I.                    Subject matter, form, setting, points of view, literary devices

II.                 How different works portray a feature

III.               Particular Genres

6) To be continued when I receive my notes back… Ms. Fassbender!

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