Locus of Control-

            The locus of control is who you believe controls you destiny. The locust of control could be God or God-like, superior to yourself with a much larger margin of control than what you might have. Some people would also say the locust of control are themselves; these are the people who would describe themselves as macho or as similar to the father in Little Ms. Sunshine. It is your life, why shouldn’t you be in charge of your own destiny? Lastly, a person’s destiny can manifest itself inside something with the same human status or a status that is below that. For an example, I could believe that it was the blade of the knife that controls my destiny because that is the thing destined to squeeze between my ribs and end my life forever, or that your mother, who nourishes you and is the key to your subsistence, is in control of your destiny because she shields you from death everyday.

The locust of Control- One mighty locust
Group Think-

            I think what I am told to think, the words of our leaders are now the words of God; this is groupthink. Morality plays no part in action because we are operating in a wave of action under some command. If your clique is going to collectively poop in a brown paper bag and light it on fire in your living room, you perhaps would be slightly confused and feeling some emotional tare but you are bound to open up your living room promptly and poop willingly in your bag. Groupthink can be found in all aspects of history and even in our daily lives. Some people tend to vote with their party even if the party believes that killing babies occasionally is needed to maintain a well-oiled economy; most don’t truly believe this but they most certainly support their party till its demise.

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