What is it that humans get for nothing?
    Humans are the only species on earth that have the ability to communicate using words and literature. Humans have the power to tap into each-others nervous system just by making a few clicks and vibrations.   Books make it for we get the knowledge of almost anything for nothing. By reading a few scribbles we are able to learn about our history, our previous faults, our advancements, and our innermost feelings. Human nature and our ability to take in large quantities of information, remember it, and apply it is also something that we get from nothing.

What type of metaphors does the author use for language phenomena?

    "The Niagara of Words" is a metaphor used to explain the wide proportions in which words influence our lives.  Words are taken for granted but will always be pivotal to our existence and essential to our daily functioning.
    "The Pooling of Knowledge" is a metaphor for written writing. Ever book is just being compiled into a giant database (pool) that we will always be able to tap into. Each book speaks of new ideas and makes the reader, us, more knowledgeable.
    "Language Cooperation" describes language as a way to work together and get ahead of all the other species and any hurdle in our paths.

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