Klayton has learned the seven deadly sins of writing today. College English Professors are upset to learn of the miseducation and retched writing techniques of America’s middle schoolers and high schoolers and are making a stand to combat their ignorance. A teacher, being stoned with the irksome task of reeducating the youth, has constructed a list of don’t-does that harshly point out our flaws. They are as follows: Empty writing, sentences that contain no information; Cliché, common expressions that have lost their meaning; Platitude punishment, expressions that sound nice but are common knowledge and surface level; Unnecessary facts (self explanatory); Over-generalization, looking at a subject too broadly; Subjectivities and dogmatism, sentences using phrases like ‘I wish’; and lastly, big words for no reason (self explanatory). Hopefully, our generation will move forward in this reformation and learn from our mistakes by using this desperate teacher’s list.

Serial Comma (Oxford Comma)- a comma used to separate a group of words. EX: Rigged, stretched, and white. EX2: Peanuts, raisins, or dried bananas. 

Klayton’s Rule For AP English: If one thing is true, then the opposite is equally as true. Therefore everything is disputable and can be made into an argument or a thesis.

I also looked up octopi and I think they are amazing!

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