Characterization- Reveals the personality of a character or makes the character real to reader.
        Kinds of Characters- 1) Static Character- Doesn't change throughout work.
                                    2) Dynamic Character- Undergoes great change because of the action                                             in the plot.
                                    3) Flat Character- Embodies one or two qualities, ideas, or traits that                                                 can be described in a breif summary.
                                    4) Stock Characters- Stereotypical characters
                                    5) Round Characters- More complex, realistic character
         Kinds of Characterization- 1) Direct- evaluating characters using adjectives; more direct.
                                             2) Indirect- Evaluating characters by their actions and what        they say; lets readers decide how they think the character is.

Setting- Physical and social context of story

Conflict- The struggle within the plot.
        Kinds of Conflict- 1) External- caused by an outside force.
                                2) Internal- a conflict between forces or emotions within the character.

Style- 1) structure
         2) Diction
         3) tone
         4) Authors craft
         5) Point of View
         6) Orientation
         7) Musically
         8) ect.

Theme- Central meaning

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