Book Blog 8- pg. 77

Wait… we embraced… we were happy… happy… what do we do nowe that we’re happy…go on waiting… waiting…let me think… it’s coming… go on waiting… now that we are happy… let me see… ah! The tree!

Page 72, Vladimir            

    This quote was super funny to me! When Vladimir is asking Estragon to wait for him to remember what he is trying to say he is also saying that they are only happy when they are waiting. I thought it was very witty, very witty indeed.

“We always find something, eh Didi, to give us the impression we exist?”
“Yes yes, we’re magicians.”

      Being in a philosophy class in the college, this quote was a direct correlation with what we had learned about today in class. David Hume, a Scottish Skeptic Empiricist, had a philosophy that directly pertains to this quote. His theories on Causation state that there is no such thing as cause and effect and that we are always looking for reasons to justify the actions we take and that others take, our existence, and the principles of life. Estragon is stating a thesis that acts as a footnote to Hume’s theories: humans need to find reasons to live in order to survive; Cause and effect may not exist but humans need it to justify their existence.

            Vladimir’s reply, ‘yes yes we are magicians’, is a sassy way of reinforcing Estragon’s observation. Not only does it reinforce Estragon’s thought but it also remarks mockingly that we are constantly fooling ourselves with false meaning and importance. Magicians present things to the audience in a way that fools their minds and makes them believe in an illusion. We are magicians because we make ourselves believe in nonsense.

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