Book Blog 7- pgs. 68- 69

Don’t touch me! Don’t question me! Don’t speak to me! Stay with me!

            -page 63, yet another example to my thesis in book blog 5.

            This is a conversation between the Vladimir and Estragon, the one I will be tearing apart for you: “To every man his little cross…Till he dies… and is forgotten.”, “in the meantime let us converse calmly, since we are incapable of keeping silent.”, “It is so we won’t think.”, “It’s so we won’t hear all the dead voices.”, “they make noise like wings.”, “like leaves”, “Like sand”, “They all speak as one, each one to itself.”, “To have lived is not enough for them, they have to talk about it.” “They make noise like feathers…leaves…ashes.”


            To summarize this passage, I think that the main point is that death is always in the living’s subconscious. Death is quiet but it is all around us every second of everyday and without constant distraction we are naked to its frightening existence and the horrifying truths of our own selves in perspective to death.

            The first line of dialogue, to every man his little cross till he dies and is forgotten, is yet another biblical reference about the crucifixion of Jesus Christ or perhaps, in a broader sense, a reference to the mass persecution of Christians and Jews at the time of Jesus Christ.  The cross is an image that represents belief and devotion to ideas. Every man may not hold a cross but everyman bares ideas that he is devoted to and believes in wholeheartedly. Beckett is saying that all of our ideas and legacy are with us until death and are lost from the world shortly after that in forgetfulness of the others who new us.

            After that, they talk about how they must talk to distract themselves with speech to forget about death and all the terrible truths in the world. I also feel like there is a widget of jealousy in their words. I feel like Vladimir and Estragon are the two people that do not have a ‘little cross’ or a strong belief, besides Godot, which doesn’t seem to ever come. Perhaps they are expressing their doubt about their own legacy, they’re jealous of the dead people’s lives they have lead. That may be what the ‘wing’ sounds and ‘leaf’ sounds are referring to. Either they are addressing the constant reminder of death itself, or their poor excuse for a legacy.

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