"(Americans) have the air of persons who never knew how it felt to stand in the presence of superiors"
         This sense of innate freedom and the perseption of having a part in government made Whitman antsy. He said that "America is a place where the president takes his hat off for them, not they for him". This is the popular belief of American democracy but in reality, even in Walt's time, the aristocracy and social class have more power on social, political and economic events of the lower classes. Walt Whitman considered this to be one of the most important characteristic that set America apart from its competing nations. If he were to realize his oppression would he still find America so beautiful and perfect.
          The answer is yes because he is the optimist of the optimist and his love for the country would still be intact for the remainder of its history and even then his love will be present in its reminiscence. 
Class of Kids actively listening to man talk about freedom while stuck in the prison of their desks

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