In the hospital, I met a women named Stephanie who had a face that reminded me of a horse and a skinny alien-like body. She always slumped around the ward in a light blue polo and had a father that came every night and argued with her. When I asked her why she was there she looked up at me and said, "I have a powerful intuition, I am a phychic." I asked her what she ment and she again looked up at me with her blue eyes glazed over and said, "It is quite crazy actually." This had already crossed my mind. "I have an odd power. See, like, this voice in my head, which I can identify as part of me, tells me things and they come true. For example, I told myself there was a man named Ryan behind the counter at Whole Foods and that I need to go to see him and ask him about his kids. And I went there and there was a man named ryan and I DID ask him about his kids and my intuition was right. The future I predicted provailed." My eyes got lost in the carpet pattern as it often did. It had a meditating effect on me and I quessed that that was perhaps why it was there. 
       2 minutes later a nurse came in and introduced herself, "hi, im pam" she smiled and she looked like a less attractive Cameron Diaz with black hair. Stephanie flies back into her chair as if she were introduced to a devil, or an angle. A tear roles down her cheeks' "my moms name was Pam." she muttered, "thats TOO weird. I told you Klay, i got a big, goddamn intuition."


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