Gilligan's Moral Theory is a critique on Kohlberg's Moral Theory.
Giiligan's Moral Theory believes that the way in which people choose and develop morals is influenced by gender. I think this lady, Gilligan, is correct if you believe in Nature provailing over nurture.

MALES- Operate under the "morality of Justice". Gilligan tells us that men center their moral beliefs around fairness and rule of law.

FEMALES- Operate under the "morality of Care". Moral decisions are determined on how a female believes she can best care for an individual.

This Theory makes men sound like heartless self centered individualists. I think that there is a large margin of society that operates under both moralities. I also think that the way that a child is nurtured can determine which of the two moralities the child will end up abiding. We condition our children by giving them playstuffs that we believe compliments the gender and we implant ideas as to how a person of a specific gender should act and think.

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