"The clearest expression is that which finds no sphere worthy of itself and makes one."
Previously, Walt had said two things that lead to this idea of deviancy in poetry. Firstly, he said that simplicity is important and that we should not water down the poem by injecting worthless, artless words that contribute nothing but flowery language to the poem. Secondly, he also said that we should not limit ourselves to the rules of poetry and that we should take our focuses away from similes and the beautiful verses of poetry and focus in on the message and on the moment it is depicting. 
Whitman is implying that poets should experiment and brake former precedent in order to orchestration the event or message more accurately and with beautiful purity. Walt was typically a free form poet and his art definitely echos this element of his poetics. E. E. Cummings, Ginsberg, John k. and many other modern poets follow this rule.     
Allen Ginsberg

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