"He places himself where the future becomes present"
To leave a chunk of eternity is perhaps the most powerful thing you could possibly do and it is a common goal for the human species. The promise of legacy is what drives the human vehicle. What other reason is there to report prophesies, prescribe unimaginable meanings, to work, scale mountains; it is the main force behind exploration and selflessness. 
Walt is not only speaking of leaving behind eternity but leaving behind a eternal message. That should be the goal of a bard, if it indeed acts to be purely that. The soul, society, love will all be identified with for eternities.
Also, the poem itself holds an eternal message to the reader. A poem enables people of all times to look at a moment and feel what it is like to be there. The synthesizing effect of poetry is perhaps its defining characteristics and the most powerful thing in the universe (besides energy)     

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